Avocado and Tomatillo Salsa

Every time I hear Tomatillos,  I  always picture my girlfriend as a child n her neighbors garden picking and eating them off the vine. Not sure the neighbor was to happy, but she sure was!

Pics will follow (if they are not-up yet – yes I will be to lazy to delete this line later…  )

Now on to the actual recipe:

6 tomatillos
1 medium white onion –  diced
4 ripe Roma (plum) tomatoes – diced
1 cup cilantro leaves – rough chop
1 Tbsp: Garlic minced
2 ripe Florida avocados – Diced
¼-cup olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Salt and black pepper to taste


First remove the husks of the tomatillos, and dice – size matters to you an then ones eating the salsa…..so dice wisely, and place in a mixing bowl

Dice the onion (the same way) and place in the the mixing bowl

Dice the roma and ad to the mixing bowl (if you want to cheat here buy a can of already diced and keep the juice!)

Dice the Avocado and add to the mixing bowl

Add the Garlic, Olive oil, red wine vinegar a pinch of salt (you can add more if your a stock holder in Mortons)  and a dash of Pepper

whisk all the ingredients together. Obviously the best thing to do is refrigerate overnight, but lets face it.. That is meant for left overs… Now I will say do make this first and refrigerate, so that the flavors can blend over the course of a few hours at a minimum.